सर्वमंगलमांगल्यांदेवींसर्वार्थसाधिकाम्। शरण्यांसर्वभूतानांनमामोभूमिमातरम्॥ सच्चिदानन्दरुपायविश्वमंगलहेतवे। विश्वधर्मैकमूलायनमोस्तुपरमात्मने॥ विश्वधर्मविकासार्थंप्रभोसंघटितावयम्। शुभामाशिषमस्तमभ्यमदेहिततपरिपूर्तये॥ अजय्यमात्मसामर्थ्यंसुशीलमलोकपूजितम्। ज्ञानंचदेहिविश्वेशध्येयमार्गप्रकाशकम्॥ समुत्कर्षोस्तुनोनित्यंनि:श्रेयससमन्वित। तत्साधकमस्फुरत्वन्त: सुवीरव्रतमुज्वलम्॥ विश्वधर्मप्रकाशेनविश्वशांतिप्रवर्तके। हिन्दुसंघटनाकार्येध्येयनिष्ठास्थिरास्तुन: ॥ सघंशक्तिर्विजेत्रीयंकृतवास्मध्दर्मरक्षणम्॥ परमंवैभवंप्राप्तुंसमर्थास्तुतवाशिषा॥ त्वदीय पुण्ये कार्येस्मिन् विश्वकल्याणसाधके । त्याग सेवा व्रतस्यायम् कायो मे पततु प्रभो ॥ ॥विश्वधर्मकीजय॥ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ sarvamangala maangalyam deveem sarvartha sadhikam | sharanyaam sarvabhutanaam namamo bhumi maataram || sacchidananda roopaya vishvamangala hetave | vishva dharmaika moolaya namostu paramatmane || vishva dharma vikaasartham prabho sanghatita vayam | shubhaam ashisham astamabhyam dehi tat paripurtaye || ajayam atma samarthyam sushilam loka poojitam | gyanam cha dehi vishvesha dhyeya marga prakashakam || samutkarshostu no nityam nih shreyasa samanvita | tat sadhakam spuratvantaha suveera vratam ujvalam || vishva dharma prakashena vishva shanti pravartake | hindu sangathana kaarye dhyeya nishtha sthira stunaha || sangh shaktir vijetriyam krutava asmad dharma rakshanam || paramam vaibhavam praaptum samarthastu tavashisha || tvadeeya punye kaaryesmin vishva kalyaana sadhake | tyaga seva vratasyaayam kayo me patatu prabho || ||vishva dharm ki jay || _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Meaning We bow to the goddess Mother Earth, store-house of myriad blessings, provider of innumerable needs/wants and the ultimate refuge of all beings. Then our salutations are to the Supreme Self, the highest good of existence, consciousness and bliss, who is the very cause of the ultimate well-being of the whole world and the fountainhead of the universal Dharma. O Almighty, we stand united for the upliftment of the universal Dharma. Shower upon us your auspicious blessings to fulfill that noble mission. Grant us O Lord, such inner strength that remains invincible, character which earns adoration of all and knowledge which shall illuminate the path leading us to our goal. Eradiate our hearts with the dazzling vow of a hero, which always leads an aspirant to attain together this and other worldly welfare and prosperity as also the spiritual bliss. Let our devotion to the cause be steadfast in organizing the people for the achievement of world peace and tranquility in the light of the universal Dharma. O Lord, with your blessings, let this victorious organized strength of ours that is attempting to protect Dharma, be able to attain the pinnacle of eternal glory. In pursuit of the welfare of mankind which indeed is the holy cause and inspired by the noble virtues of service and sacrifice, let my being O Lord, be offered at your feet. May the Universal Faith Triumph! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________